Device_Offline - This digital input indicates that the device is currently offline. This is should be connected to the the Ethernet offline Manager device extender for Ethernet devices, or to the Poll Manager for Cresnet devices. This should be ignored for control system.
Note that the system is designed in a way that each device must reach to the cloud at least once every 5 minutes. If the device does not reach to the cloud once every five minutes, we assume it is offline. All SyncPro modules automatically reach to the cloud service every 5 minutes or less. However, if a control system goes offline, all the devices that connects to the cloud through it, will be marked as offline too.
Device_Power_Status - For devices that support power status, this will report the device's power status, where - 0=Powered Off, 1=Powered On and 2=Standby
Device_Telemetry$ - This allows for sending common telemetry messages by the programmer. The string format must be in one of the following formats -
For string values - "{"Key":"keyName","Value":"strValue"}
For integer values - "{"Key":"keyName","Value":intValue}
For boolean values - "{"Key":"keyName","Value":true/false}
Note that the "Key" and "Value" are case-sensitive.
For you convenient, you can use the "SyncPro Telemetry Message Format Module" that is also included with the demo program.
Also note, that the telemetry messages must follow the Common Telemetry messages and values, or will be ignored.